Our global Music and Heritage Skills qualifications provide access to level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4 and level 5 accredited qualifications. The syllabuses for these courses are accredited and our examination processes moderated by OCN Credit4Learning, and as a member of the global standards body ISO, OCN has been accrediting courses for over twenty-five years.

All students who appear for our examinations will have studied in a unitised programme accredited by OCN Credit4Learning. This accreditation is evidence that PRSSV examinations are audited to the same standard, quality and expectations as for example UK school and Higher Education qualifications and therefore recognised internationally.

UCAS Tariff Points

UCAS Tariff points are allocated to qualifications generally studied between the ages of 16 to 18. However, lots of qualifications aren't on the Tariff. To quote from the UCAS Website:

'Not all qualifications attract UCAS Tariff points, and very few international qualifications are included. Currently, one third of courses in the UCAS search tool have a Tariff entry requirement Universities and colleges accept a range of qualifications, including those not on the Tariff.'

'Not all universities and colleges use the Tariff, and just because a qualifcation does not have Tariff points doesn't mean that they won't accept it.'

Universities will see the value to PRSSV qualifications regardless of the fact that they do not attract UCAS points. When applying to universities add your qualifications to the education page and discuss it in your Personal Statement.