Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I take graded exams with PRSSV?
PRSSV is the leading examination board for over 30 years for Steel Pan, Indian Music and Dance subjects and other World Music Traditions. Our qualifications are accredited and internationally recognised.
Accreditation FAQs
Are PRSSV exams accredited?
Yes, they are. Please
click here for information on accreditation.
Are these exams recognised internationally?
Yes, these qualifications are internationally recognised through OCN Credit4Learning. Please
click here for information on accreditation.
How do these exams help with gaining a place at grammar or secondary school?
Many grammar and private schools value PRSSV music and dance qualifications in their admission process.
Will I get UCAS points if I take PRSSV graded exams?
click here for information on UCAS points.
Grade and Level FAQs
Can I appear for two grades in the same exam?
Yes, only if you appear for two different subjects.
Can I appear for two subjects on the same exam date?
Can I appear for two grades for the same subject on the same exam date?
Can I skip grade 2 and take Grade 3?
No, you cannot skip grade 2 and appear for Grade 3 as it is a level 1 exam.
Can I appear directly for Grade 3 and not do Grades 1 and 2?
A candidate cannot appear directly for Grade 3.
Can I skip Grades?
A candidate cannot skip grades, however, you can skip levels.
Can I appear directly for a Level exam?
No, you cannot directly apply for level 1 (grade 3), level 2 (grade 5) and level 3 (grade 8).
Can I take the practical exam separately from the theory exam?
No, the qualification requires the candidate to pass both the practical and theory portions of the exam.
Does PRSSV recognise grades from other exam boards?
PRSSV does recognise grades from other exam boards under certain terms and conditions.
What is the minimum gap required between taking two grades?
PRSSV recommends no less than six months for lower grades and no less than one year for higher grades.
What if I fail the theory portion of my exam?
You are allowed to take two re-sits within one year of your exam date.
What if I fail the practical portion of my exam?
You are allowed to take two re-sits within one year of your exam date.
Application FAQs
How do I apply for an exam?
click here for technical support
Can I postpone my exam application?
Postponement can be done under certain circumstances. Please
click here for exam regulations.
I am an overseas student, can I apply for your exam?
My teacher is living overseas and she/ he is not registered with PRSSV. Can I apply for the exam?
Yes, you can provide the teacher registers with PRSSV.
What if I miss applying before the deadline?
If late applications are open then you can apply with payment of a late fee.
Roll Number FAQs
I have registered but I forgot my roll number.
Please email providing your full name, date of birth and address.
Fees FAQs
Will I get a refund of my fees if I do not want to appear for the exam?
You can only get a refund under certain extenuating circumstances.
Click here for exam regulations.
Syllabus FAQs
Do I have to bring my own instrument to the exam?
Yes, you must bring any/all instruments required by the prescribed syllabuses.
Is live accompaniment mandatory for all grades?
No, live accompaniment is mandatory only for grade 8.
Does PRSSV provide an electronic Tanpura for the candidate?
Does PRSSV provide accompanists for the exam?
Can I play recorded music to accompany my performance?
Yes, depending on the grade and type of piece.
Resources FAQs
Does PRSSV provide or recommend any books for exam preparation?
PRSSV does not provide any books but can recommend them.
Where can I find sample papers?
Go to the support tab and click on sample papers. You will need an online account with PRSSV for access.
Special Needs/Support FAQs
Should I inform while applying about my need for support because of eg: speech impediment, learning difficulties etc?
When applying, we advise that anyone requiring support during the exam must fill in the appropriate field in the application form.
Regulations FAQs
Can I change my exam date?
You can change the exam date under certain circumstances. Please
click here for exam regulations.
Is there an age criterion for the exams?
Anyone of any age can take the exams.
Can I use my music notebook for the exam?
All exams (practical and theory) have to be done from memory.
Teachers FAQs
How can I put forward my students for an exam?
Teachers are required to register with PRSSV in order to put their students for our exams. Please
click here for information on registration.
I am a teacher residing outside the UK. Can I register with PRSSV?
Yes, you can. Please click here for information on registration.
Can I accompany my students during the practical exams?
You accompany in the capacity of an accompanist and not as a teacher.